
三位 人の死ぬ治療法でも当たり前非常識でも令和常識


二位 マスコミが持ち上げるのは無責任死屍累々の正しい医療 


一位 誤情報レッテルを貼るその方がフェイクニュースの本家本元


番外 犠牲者が何人出てもメリット大ひとの命が財布の肥やし 


番外 大好きなプロパガンダに釣られては大嫌いなあの世へ召される


番外 不都合なネタが飛び出すその度に取り敢えず貼るなんちゃらノート














「認知戦争・AIの兵器化」 モデルナ、やはりAIまで使ってネット工作をしていた。 コミュニティノートの犯人でもあるようだ。 膨大な資金を使って世論工作してまで打たせようとする「ワクチン」、こんなもの、まともなわけがないだろう。 「『私の命をウイルスから守るため』に製薬会社と政府が必死になって頑張っている」、 そんなふうに思っている人はもう、生き残れない。 AIまで兵器として使われる、情報戦を超えた「認知戦」が今、全世界で繰り広げられているのである。 ウソだと思うなら、試しにchatGPTに「コロナワクチンは安全ですか?」と聞いてみたら良い。  とっくに向こうの兵器化されていることが分かる。 何も気づかない人はすでに「認知戦争」敗北者だ。 戦場は「あなたの頭の中」である。











ドキュメンタリー 生贄の処女 (2017) HPVワクチンは性的に活発になる前に少女に接種されることが多いため、この名前が付けられました。この短いドキュメンタリーは、HPV注射後の死亡を含む深刻な神経障害の証拠が増えていることを明らかにしています。

(同氏のリツイートChampagne Joshi(@JoshWalkos)氏のもの。

Documentary Sacrificial Virgins (2017) So named because the HPV vaccine is often given to girls before they become sexually active. This short documentary exposes increasing evidence of serious neurological damage following the HPV injections, including death. The British filmmaker had to schedule secret screenings because of the establishment backlash to this documentary. She was even denied entry to Australia because the government there is a cult of vaccination fanatics. If you have small children, you owe it to yourself to watch this and by no means take this at face value, research for yourself. I am confident if you are an objective, open minded parent, you will see this vaccine for what it is, a blatant pseudoscientific creation by pharma, rubber stamped by governments, to enrich themselves by using the fear of cancer. All at the expense of your kids health. Before you watch, here are some rather shocking facts about the HPV Vaccine for your edification. - There is no proof that the HPV vaccination of girls can prevent cervical cancer in her later life. - Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers, did not have to prove that the vaccines prevent cancer. They were allowed to use precancerous lesions as “surrogate endpoints” in the clinical trials. - Just like the vaccines on the childhood schedule, none of the clinical trials included a straightforward comparison of the effects of the vaccine against a true placebo. - They used of a new type of aluminum in the vaccines and also the addition of other aluminum content which was not included in the safety trials. - Merck told young female clinical trial subjects that the vaccine had already been proven safe and that the placebo was saline. - Merck and GSK acknowledge in their package inserts that they never tested the vaccine for fertility effects in humans, only rats. - Evidence shows that certain ingredients in HPV vaccines, including sodium borate (also known as borax, a cleaning agent), may have negative effects on fertility. - Evidence shows that certain ingredients in HPV vaccines, including sodium borate (also known as borax, a cleaning agent), may have negative effects on fertility. - The European Chemicals Agency requires sodium borate to carry the following warning: “DANGER! May damage fertility or the unborn child.” In the US, borax is banned in food but allowed in vaccines. - Once again, just like childhood vaccines, the package inserts acknowledge that the vaccines have never been tested for “carcinogenicity.” - The Gardasil clinical trials used a new metric, “New Medical Conditions,” as a way to claim that serious health problems after vaccination were unrelated to the vaccine or aluminum-containing “placebo”. - More than 50% of all clinical trial participants reported “new medical conditions,” including infections, reproductive disorders, neurological syndromes, and autoimmune conditions. - There are over a hundred cases that are going through the courts in Japan in relation to injuries caused by the HPV vaccine. Additionally, there is ongoing litigation in Spain and a class action in Colombia involving 700 injured girls. Think twice before trusting faceless scientists, corporate executives and bureaucrats with you and your families health because to them, you are also faceless and they will choose profit every time. History is littered with this lesson.





