
三位 やめられないとまらないのは日本病コロナワクチン虐殺事件


二位 死者増加ワクチンのせいだけはない御用学者の不変の真理 


一位 キセキとは起こさなくても起こしても最後はみんな誰しも入る 





統計からするとワクチン接種以降全年代で心不全含む心筋症が相当増えているので死なないように気をつけよう。 特に若者は。 島崎俊郎さん 急性心不全とは 心筋梗塞不整脈などで急に発症、心臓の機能が止まり…冬場に多く sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/




これはは大きい💣💣  シンガポールで最大の保険会社のCEOタン・キン・リアン氏がワクチンブースターに反対する声明を出した ”私の友人たちは多くの文献を読み、mRNAワクチンが体の免疫力の低下を引き起こし、それが上記の原因、つまり癌などによるさらなる死亡につながったと結論付けています。 ワクチンは免疫系に害を及ぼすという彼らの考えは正しいかもしれないと私は思います”


🚨🚨🚨🚨 Holy Moly! Another U-Turn!

The ex-CEO of Singapore's largest local Insurance provider just issued a statement advising against COVID Boosters! Mr. Tan Kin Lian, most notably known for his extensive 30-year tenure as CEO of NTUC Income, Singapore's only insurance cooperative, issued a statement on 6th December 2023. Full Statement: ----------------------------------------------------- Covid booster Some of you may be deciding if you wish to take another covid booster. MOH recommends it for the older people, but does not compel it. I have decided not to take the booster. My friends pointed out that there were 21,282 deaths in 2018 (the year before the pandemic). It has now increased to 26,891 in 2022. This increase of 26% is significant and alarming. It seems that more people are dying from cancer, heart failure and stroke. The deaths from covid is quite low now. My friends have read a lot of literature and concluded that the mRNA vaccine caused the body to suffer a drop in immunity and that has lead to the additional deaths from the above causes, i.e. cancer, etc. I think that they may be right - that the vaccine does cause harm to the immune system. I decided that I do not need the booster, because few people are dying from covid now. The virus is now quite mild. There is no need to take the risk of having another booster. Recently, I did a straw poll among a dozen people. About 88% said that they will not take the booster. 75% think that the vaccine harms the body. Tan Kin Lian





