
三位 効果ナシ今更言えるワクも無し激推し族の暴走履歴


二位 明と暗打てば打つほど効果アリ伸びる売上げ縮むは寿命


一位 副作用腕が上がらぬ被害者の数はこれから右肩上がり





要約:ファイザーは12月14日にがん治療会社を430億ドルで買収。 しかしこの会社、年間売上がわずか20億ドルしかなく、明らかに異質な取引となっている。 まるで、今後その分野での売上が確定してるかのよう。 ※製薬会社はこんなことを繰り返して医原病により儲けてきたのだろう。


(同氏のリツイートWilliam Makis MD(@MakisMD)氏のもの。

NEW ARTICLE: Pfizer completes $43 Billion acquisition of Seagen on Dec.14, 2023 - becomes largest oncology company to treat most TURBO CANCERS caused by mRNA Vaccines - deep dive into the sinister aspects of this very bizarre deal. Pfizer OVERPAYS $43 billion on small Cancer Drug Company that barely makes $2 billion a year. Pfizer doesn't need the cash. It will also issue $31 billion in debt to purchase it. Everyone is taking this at face value. But something very sinister lurks in the details of this deal. Pfizer (and Moderna) COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause Turbo Cancers. Based on my published description of 100s of Turbo Cancer cases in over 30 articles: Here are the Top 5 Turbo Cancers we will see by numbers in mRNA Vaccinated people: Lymphoma (various types) Brain Cancers (mostly glioblastoma) Breast Cancer (mostly triple negative, Stage 3/4) Colon Cancer (Stage 4) Lung Cancer (Stage 4) Rounding out the Top 10 Turbo Cancers by # of people affected (no particular order): leukemias (worst prognosis) melanomas (Stage 4) sarcomas (Stage 3,4) testicular/ovarian (rapid progression, Stage 1-4) kidney (RCC Stage 4) Pfizer's new acquisition takes them from being able to treat 2 of these Turbo Cancers, to being able to treat 7 out of 10. Not bad. But there's more. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla did a media interview tour about the $43 Billion Cancer drug deal and this is what he has to say: - 33% of people WILL get cancer (he's certain) - entire families WILL be affected (he's certain) - The new cancer treatments are like "missiles" that will target "most" cancers - he will produce them AT A SCALE THAT HAS NOT BEEN SEEN BEFORE. - 2025 - "We have a Global Network" - " we have very quick way of completing clinical trials" - will be produced "AT SCALE", "just like mRNA" Think about what he is telegraphing. Read the above again. Why would any company need to produce cancer treatments "AT SCALE"? Seeking Alpha analysis theorizes it would take Pfizer at least a decade just to break even from this deal. Financially, this $43 billion Acquisition makes NO SENSE for Pfizer. Unless something else happens... Article Link in photo to avoid shadowban, just re-type the URL into your browser to access




ヮ(゚д゚)ォ!  今、最大の懸案事項はこのグラフのとおり 「ワクチン開始後に日本人の総死亡数が激増している」 という事実なのですが… 条件を揃えた「対照実験」って今からどうやってやるんですか? 社会は実験室ではないので、教科書通りの「正しい統計」を取れないことも多いのですよ。




2023.12.17鹿先生 インフルエンザRNAワクチンは全身の血管が血栓だらけになる。 大変なことになる。決して打ってはいけない コメ: 従来のインフルエンザワクチンはリンパ管の樹状細胞に取り込まれ、赤血球のないところで抗体産生するので、安全だった。 ところが、インフルRNAワクチンは全身のいろんな細胞に取り込まれ、赤血球のあるところでも抗体産生するので、血栓毒になる



